© Adult Site Broker Talk 2020 - 2025 Made with love by Zak Ozbourne
I run Adult Site Broker. We broker websites and companies for the adult space. In this podcast we’ll talk to the movers and shakers in the adult space and talk about how you can buy or sell a website or company for maximum profit and with a minimum of trouble, plus we’ll talk about the goings on in our industry.
Reba Rocket of Takedown Piracy is this week’s guest on Adult Site Broker Talk.
Adult Site Broker is the most experienced company to broker adult sites.
Adult Site Broker is the leading company to sell porn sites and buy porn sites. They help their clients work out equitable deals.
Check out their brand-new website at www.adultsitebroker.com, the leading destination to broker porn sites.
Adult Site Broker also has an affiliate program, ASB Cash, at https://asbcash.com, where you can earn up to 20% referring people to buy adult sites and sell adult sites to Adult Site Broker, the porn website broker.
And they are now offering a FREE marketplace for sellers with properties valued at less than their minimum listing amount of $50,000, www.asbmarketplace.com.
For more information, please visit us at www.adultsitebroker.com to help you broker adult sites.
Listen to Reba Rocket on Adult Site Broker Talk, starting today at www.adultsitebrokertalk.com
Bruce F., host of Adult Site Broker Talk and CEO of Adult Site Broker, the leading adult website broker, who is known as the company to sell adult sites, is pleased to welcome Reba Rocket of Takedown Piracy.
Adult Site Broker is the most experienced company to broker adult sites.
Adult Site Broker is the leading company to sell porn sites and buy porn sites. They help their clients work out equitable deals.
Check out their brand-new website at www.adultsitebroker.com, the leading destination to broker porn sites.
Adult Site Broker also has an affiliate program, ASB Cash, at asbcash.com, where you can earn up to 20% referring people to buy adult sites and sell adult sites to Adult Site Broker, the porn website broker.
And they are now offering a FREE marketplace for sellers with properties valued at less than their minimum listing amount of $50,000, www.asbmarketplace.com.
For more information, please visit us at www.adultsitebroker.com to help you broker adult sites.
Listen to Reba Rocket on Adult Site Broker Talk, starting today at www.adultsitebrokertalk.com
Speaker 0 (0s): This is Bruce Friedman of Adult Site Broker and welcome to Adult Site Broker Talk, where every week we interview one of the movers and shakers of the adult industry, and we discuss what's going on in our business. Plus we give you a tip on buying and selling websites this week. This week we'll be talking with Reba Rocket of Takedown Piracy.
Adult Site Broker is proud to introduce ASB Marketplace, the first platform where you can buy and sell adult sites and domains for FREE!
ASB Marketplace allows buyers and sellers the chance to come together on properties that are valued below our company’s minimum of 50,000 dollars.
Don’t pay for other marketplaces when ASB Marketplace gives you this service for free.
Visit ASB-Marketplace-dot-com and sign up as a seller or as a buyer today.
And don’t forget ASB Cash, the first affiliate program for an adult website brokerage where you can earn as much as 20% of our broker commission referring sellers and buyers to us at Adult Site Broker.
Check out ASB-Cash-dot-com for more details and to sign up. Now let's feature our property the week that's for sale at adult site broker, we're proud to offer for sale. The first NSFW social media platform in the world. The web app benefits from innovative technologies that enable over 960,000 members to instantly share their sexy photos and videos via computer or mobile.
Today, the site has more than 200 new members sign-ups every day with zero spent on marketing. These leads are essentially coming from organic SEO, word of mouth and premium backlinks. The site has received great articles and top magazines such as Playboy daily dot refinery, 29 and more in 2019, the sites started recurring subscriptions, which made it more private platform since only registered members now have access to the content while it impacted the traffic on the platform.
The user base is now very valuable as the site only accepts verified users. There are now over 60,000 active members. Average time on the site is over 10 minutes. The site has a team of four super users moderating the platform to ensure there's no illegal content among the photos and videos. Also there's a report feature so that every member can report content that might infringe on someone's rights. The site gets most of its traffic from the USA, Brazil, Mexico, France, and Spain, all this for only $840,000.
Now time for this week's interview. My guest today on adult type broker talk is Reba rocket vice president of marketing and communications at take down piracy, Reba. Thanks for being with us today on the adult side broker talk. Now Reba's very eclectic background includes seven years as a morning show radio jock, and late night television host on Houston's NBC affiliate, the syndicate coordinator for one of the world's largest security firms, a licensed real estate agent in three states and more the common theme through all our careers included some form of marketing and communications.
And she's thrilled to have the privilege of working for one of the most successful anti-piracy content protection copyright enforcement firms anywhere take, take down. Piracy was founded by Nate glass in 2008. In fact, I met him bright after he founded the company. Now in his 13th year in business, it's removed over 126.2 million infringements from the internet utilizing digital fingerprinting technology that does not require the cooperation of over 133 of the most prolific tube sites take down.
Piracy is become one of the most trusted names in anti-piracy content protection and content enforcement well known and respected news sources like Nightline, Buzzfeed, Forbes, Huffington post, and more considered takedown piracy. The source for expert commentary and the company is the go-to service for the ever-growing list of clients and sorry, Reba. That's all we have time for
Speaker 2 (4m 40s): Today. So
Speaker 1 (4m 44s): That's it. That's it. That's your commercial. Okay. So Reba, the first thing I want to ask you about is your broadcast career. Since I always have a, also have a background in radio and TV, how did you go from there to where you are now?
Speaker 3 (4m 57s): Oh gosh. Well, there was a lot in between. I mean, like I just jumped out as a CDO, into working for take down piracy. I actually missed the Boston for a hot minute. Then a few years there, I had an opportunity to attend Harvard university. They have a college of extension studies program, which is designed for people who don't attend traditionally straight out of high school.
So I, I got to attend a class there and I also, I held them in my rose state licenses in Boston as well. And then we moved back here about eight years ago and I worked for a one of Amazon's largest third party sellers globally is real estate here as well. But I knew that there was a fit for me in the company. I can just see it. And so I started working with him and I just never looked back.
Speaker 1 (6m 2s): Yeah, your, your resume must be like 14 pages long because you just added another page. Now,
Speaker 3 (6m 9s): When you get to do this all, if you get a lung resume, oh,
Speaker 1 (6m 14s): I have a feeling. I have a feeling I'm a lot older. So how did take down piracy, get it start.
Speaker 3 (6m 21s): It's such a fun story. So Nate about two and a half decades ago was, you know, very young working as a clerk in an adult store and just was really uniquely capable of kind of looking at marketplaces and retail and seeing what they needed to do. And so he was promoted. He was pulled away by other companies and then ultimately he ended up working for hush and as, as a buyer and they, they created something that you think sounds fun.
They wanted to sit him in an RV and travel around the country. This was back before we really had the time to databases that we do now. So he got into a and RV for three years and city to city all over the United States, cataloging all of the stores and also selling gear DVDs and products like he noticed was as time went on, people were buying less and less.
And it wasn't because the product wasn't good. It was because they were all saying the same thing, which was, you know what, we're not selling as many DVDs. People are getting it for free on the internet. And so Nate being very inquisitive, man, that he is started doing some research and discovered gene, yay. Everybody said, you know, oh, you have to be a lawyer. And he read through it. And he said, I don't think you do. And so he likes his boss and said, how do you feel about me sending a few of these CMTA notices for our content and see what happened?
And his boss said, absolutely. And it just grew from there. Ultimately Nate's always wanted to own and operate his own company. And so when he got to the point where the revenue, he was generating sites, doing the services Matt, he was making in that RV driving three years, he went to his boss and said, Hey, I want to take this.
That was very
Speaker 1 (8m 43s): Was pretty young when he started the company. I recall that. And you know, obviously piracy has gotten a lot worse since he started. Right.
Speaker 3 (8m 52s): Well, I don't know. It depends on how you look at it, right? If talking about per capita, probably about the same, but there are more sites now, there are more types of sites. They're more technology that makes it easier for pirates. You know, I think back in the day, they would have to really wretch their, their time and energy to create, you know, a pirated copy of something and then get it uploaded. Now everything is, we have all that technology on your phone.
So I think that it's grown exponentially that because of those factors.
Speaker 1 (9m 31s): Yeah. Yeah. So what industry and anti-piracy changes have you seen since the company went into business?
Speaker 3 (9m 39s): I mean, for sure, the technology that we use to keep up with piracy, you know, back in the day, everybody got their fingers out and typed in the name of a brand and hosted, it popped up on Google. And then we would go to that site. Now we have all kinds of proprietary software, not the least of which is our digital fingerprinting, which makes it possible for us to combat piracy much faster than any human or team that humans could do.
The other thing we've seen is some of these sites that used to be row with piracy are becoming either a silliest or they're becoming more legitimate and they're responding to notices or creating channels and profiles for people so they can post legitimate content. So we're seeing this site kindness and a little bit to the pressure of the DNP laws. Okay.
Speaker 1 (10m 39s): So how has the company adapted to these changes?
Speaker 3 (10m 44s): Well, first and foremost, like I said, the technology creating software that allows us to new, faster than pirate commune because there's a few of us and there's a bazillion of them, you know, we've hired on more employees. And also the relationships that we've built have made a different boat, different both on the side of clients, because we built this reputation that just brings us more and more clients every day, but also with insights and Torrance and file lockers, they have come to realize that we are forced.
We don't just back down. And those relationships have become in some cases. I mean, listen, there's, it takes a special personality for somebody to rip off somebody else's content and monetize it. We're not talking about the nice people in the world that built the relationship with these people in a way that does not fit that sort of behavior that shows them how they can legitimately make money. We have had some sites that we been instrumental, turning them from a pirate sites and affiliate sites.
So those relationships have helped us adapt as well. That's
Speaker 1 (12m 3s): Funny. That's phenomenal for your clients though. I mean, you take a negative and make it a positive.
Speaker 3 (12m 7s): Absolutely. I mean, you know, you can come out with a bull in a China shop and piss everybody off and there are some people there not to be negotiated with there in terms of pirates or pirate sites. There are some sites that are just discovering beer and people that, I mean, I'll be honest with you until I met Nate. I didn't know that when I opened something up on the internet and looked at it that it might not be from the source and somebody else might be monetizing it that never even occurred to me, just that educational component goes a long way with who don't realize how bad they really are.
What they're doing is really bad that their behavior is. And so we kind of convinced them that there's a better way. Yeah.
Speaker 1 (13m 1s): And a lot of it is just kids, ope uploading stuff. And you know, it's, you might want to say it's innocent, but it's still,
Speaker 3 (13m 9s): I don't know that a lot is frankly, I don't have the stats. It says the demographics of the pirate. But I will say that it's an, a multitude of factors. I mean, there are people who are in countries that are destitute and this is, you know, a way that they can make enough money to survive and it doesn't make it right. But you know, they're in countries that sort of turn a blind eye. Sometimes people are just not, not well, like you like it, like you said, it's
Speaker 1 (13m 44s): Come to the earth. I mean, that reminds, that reminds me of a WK RP episode. I I'm sure. I'm sure you remember that show.
Speaker 3 (13m 53s): That is my witness. I swear to Bly.
Speaker 1 (13m 58s): I remember that when they, when they had it, when they had to bring up the band scum of the earth, that was funny, man. That was really funny. Oh God, everybody in radio loved that show. And a lot of newer people in radio went back and watched that show and said, oh, I know that guy. Oh, I know her all I know him. I just never saw anybody like Jennifer. But anyway, that's unfortunately,
Speaker 3 (14m 20s): And the thing is, you know, just yesterday I had a young lady call. She had produced some content for a customer and the customer is now sharing the stuff everywhere and, and doing some things that are very nice. And you know, it it's heartbreaking. I mean, she was in tears because it never occurred to her that she thought she was giving us this. Somebody, you know, selling it to somebody personally, shouldn't think they weren't going to take it and profit from it. And which Jesus really, as these people that are hired as they are being injured financially or personally.
Yep. So this is a personal mission for us. It's an issue of consent. The staff. Oh,
Speaker 1 (15m 8s): Absolutely. Absolutely. So let's say we meet at a show and I hope we do someday soon. And you have a chance to do your elevator pitch. Give me your elevator pitch.
Speaker 3 (15m 20s): Oh gosh. Do you want the elevator? All right. How long he, you has about four minutes, but I got all kinds of time. All right. All right. So here is how them piracy work. We have this multi-pronged approach to what we do first and foremost, we're looking at places like search engines. So Google, for example, we're looking 10 pages deep, which is about a hundred search results. And our goal is to make sure that legitimate content or brand, or indeed independent content producer is the top of those search results.
And the pirated content is getting pushed further and further down. Google has this sort of impossible to decipher algorithm, but the bottom line is they're not looking at a site and saying, well, this is hired. And so that should be further down. They're looking at getting results and, you know, seeing that search engine. So it's a constant job. We do it every day. Next we're looking at places like file offers and torrent. And just to give you an example, we added keep to share file locker.
We added them at the end of last summer and we have already removed and I want to make this clear. There's a difference between revisiting and reporting till the cows come home, as we say down south, but removing them as another thing. So I am always talking about renewables, talked about reporting it's called results. Thank you. So yes, from this one file author Kikuyu share Justin's last summer, we have renewed almost 4 million friends.
Yeah. Daniel, we're looking at social media, blogs forums. Those have become really rampant. As of late it's kind of choice is yours for pirates to share content for people who don't want to pay for their pharmacies. And then finally, and this is one of my favorite parts. We monitor kids sites using something called digital fingerprinting. And what digital fingerprinting is, is we're taking tiny bits of visual data from a video.
We see not retain copies of the videos. I have one client that has 6 million on sorry, 7 million videos. And we don't have room for that. We just keep these fingerprints. And we also fingerprinted over 200 million videos across more than 133 to sites and counting as we add more all the time. So our son plays the max game. Remember when you were a kid and with the card over one by one. And then we got a match that our system does all day long. And every time it gets me hit, it sends it to our tech team to verify that it has a high level of possibility to is an infringement.
And then it comes to our office here and we put our eyes on every single infringement to make sure that it's not fair use. That is not a legitimate source that maybe somebody forgot to tell us about that it was their affiliate or one of their profiles is channel. And then the issue I notice. And when you put all of these things together, as you mentioned in the beginning, need have remixed over 120 million inferences from the internet. That's
Speaker 1 (18m 45s): Crazy. That's crazy. Yeah. Yeah. Why does studios and pay sites or anyone else for that matter need to use your services?
Speaker 3 (18m 55s): I mean, this is how I have always run my personal business. I like to make money. That's what I, in any business, whether it's real estate or securities or radio, I want to do the things that are going to profit me. If I have to take time, for example, out of my job to, you know, paint my office, that's time taken away from what I do. I can pay somebody a fraction of what I make to paint the office.
So when it comes to piracy, first and foremost, there is not a human that can sign and remove massive amounts of infringement that we can hunting and pecking on the computer. You know, our proprietary software, digital fingerprinting is catch factor and any time, whether it is a video or a, an independent content producer takes time out of their day away from what they did to make money, which is selling content, they're losing money.
And our, our prices are so ridiculously affordable, that it behooves them to hire us. Even if they hired 10 employees, they simply cannot do what we do as fast as what we use. We do not cost what one employee a month with Guzman's list. Right,
Speaker 1 (20m 24s): Right now. And I've, I've always been with a mind, hire an expert. You know, if you want something done, right. Hire somebody who does it for a living, don't try to fix your own car. Hell I don't even wash my own car. So, you know, a higher PO cursor in Thailand doesn't cost that much. But although,
Speaker 4 (20m 46s): Although, although, although my, all the, my wife
Speaker 1 (20m 48s): Did that as we're recording this, my wife did get a quote from an attorney to file a lawsuit today for about 5,000 us dollars. And I basically told him to go told my wife to tell him to go fuck himself. But anyway, go ahead.
Speaker 3 (21m 1s): And I'm not suggesting that people don't be not be proactive in finding timestamp, right? The more we do this, the more we find niche sites, especially as we work with independent producers, you know, there's sites that are, are, we're not really the kind of site where you would find studios content on that as we work more and more with clip stores and more and more than you can for dancers, we're finding all these new sites and we're adding them. So it's great when it, I have a producer saying, Hey, have you seen this side?
And the us is that it's swore monitoring.
Speaker 1 (21m 35s): So how does you told me about digital fingerprinting? How does that benefit your club?
Speaker 3 (21m 42s): Well, it benefits them in a lot of ways. First of all, when you're talking about monitoring 133 sites without digital fingerprinting, you're talking about probably typing in your name or typing in the name of the scene and trying to find your content on the two site, one by one. Right. But when you have digital fingerprinting, what we have found is that it's not like the pirates go, Hey, everybody here selling content, here's their name?
Here's the brand. Here's where we found it. Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait. They don't
Speaker 1 (22m 17s): Have a pie. They don't have a pirates yellow page.
Speaker 3 (22m 20s): Well that, you know, you know, they say hotline with dildo or brunette with big boots. Yeah. Go ahead and type that in and see you bring up the digital fingerprinting de-anonymize in the video. It makes it possible for us to find content. And let me just tell you, it doesn't matter if the content has been correct or Lurry, or they crossed the watermark. Desistance they'll find it. It is really that good.
And so, yeah, I, I it's, I apologize. I kind of forgot where I was going with all this, but the kind of technology that is impossible for a human to do on their own or with a team one by one
Speaker 1 (23m 7s): Jumps, the tracks constantly. How many employees do you have? By the way
Speaker 3 (23m 13s): We have a handful, we don't have a lot. We rely very much on our proprietary software. It's actually kind of mind boggling to think of how, and I've seen, you know, so-called competitors, it shows, and they have, you know, this entourage and people, and we run circles around them in terms of breakdowns. So we work smart and we have a passion for it. So we're up at our desk by five most mornings and do some sort of work seven days a week.
Speaker 1 (23m 45s): I can hear the passion in your voice. Definitely. And having, having met, having met Nate, I know he's passionate about it. And a lot of people in adult are passionate about piracy because it's probably the number one hot button issue and in the entire industry, which was one of the reasons I wanted to have you on, how do you keep up with all the new sites and all the new types of sites in our industry,
Speaker 3 (24m 9s): We are constantly evolving our proprietary technology and methods. You can't rest on your laurels in any technology industry, because it's always changing and you know, like it or not piracy is this tech issues. So we're constantly evolving our, our software, our AI, our methods, we classify sites and add them to our monitoring system, wherever we need to and listen to our content producers.
You know, it's easy to get blinders on because you can find a site like a giant pile locker, and it's like a rabbit hole. You can find so much content there. And so we have to listen to our producers, what they're telling us, you know, Hey, you know, I call them white nights. These white nights sent me, you know, this blog, you know, I don't know some of your blog that just popped up yesterday. And so doing those three things really helps us keep to the forefront.
And also our partner, AB registry, they do all of our tests and all of our AI, that guy has the biggest brain of anybody I've ever met. And, you know, he is constantly evolving and fine tuning his protocols and software and tech tricks to make sure that we're able to keep up with everything. What's
Speaker 1 (25m 36s): Good. Now why did take downs really matter
Speaker 3 (25m 41s): Really matter? And I, and I, let me just preface this by saying, it's very frustrating when people take an app to set it, cause bros, you know me, this is like police work. It, this is Tampa maps. If somebody said to a law enforcement officer, well, you shouldn't arrest a criminal. Cause there's just another one around the corner. That's the same thing with takedown. They do matter. First of all, time, you renew a pirated piece of content and infringement. You are keeping somebody else from profiting, from the work that you haven't done.
And I don't know about you, but I don't like to work for free and then let somebody else have my money. This is true. I do it way too much. So I love that. I don't. But anyway, go ahead. I mean, he had a client that signed up January of last year when we were still at their new shows and they were a little bit skeptical and they told us that at the end of the year, they have your sense to your efforts. And they attributed at least some of that, because look, we're not entirely responsible for it.
A lot of people were second home watching adults content last year, they had their best year ever. They had been with another quote competitor for a year or two before in the first sound of infringements for them. So
Speaker 1 (27m 11s): Absolutely. It was a rhetorical question. But do you, do you have to be a big studio or a big clip store to use your services?
Speaker 3 (27m 24s): You know, in the old days he did, because that was really what was out there. But we started beginning of last year, we started getting more and more calls from independent producers, you know, dinner on put sores that did not adequately protect their content. So we content for flips for sale. And I want this to give you an example. I started working for sale in August, September last year, and we've already removed over 3.2 million infringements for them.
So yes, the answer is in the past, you did, but we started getting more and more of these independent content producers who are with other stores. Yeah. Well, and I just have to tell you, I mean, I'm going to, well, I'll talk about that in a minute about the stick on this topic, because I can go off on tangents all day.
Speaker 1 (28m 25s): We don't, we there's no time. There's no time limit area. So, you know,
Speaker 3 (28m 30s): Clear my calendar. But to answer your question, we started getting more and more calls from these indie producers. And originally we were just, you know, they would call me, I would talk to them, we would sign them up. And we said, you know, these models and content producers, you're already on your computer, let's come up with something that make their life easier. So we came up with a website called clip century, E N T R Y, and free.com where independent content producers can go.
There's a video of me telling them all about our services. There's all kinds of facts and information on there. The coolest part about it is they can sign up. It's super easy. They just need an email address and then make up their own password. But they can actually upload their content to that site. And we will fingerprint it for them. And we don't keep those copies either. We just keep the fingerprints and they have a dashboard. They can see what they've uploaded already in case they forget, like, did I upload the scene or not?
They get in pretty much real-time we update updated about every 15 minutes while we take down for them as it happens, they get copies of every single notice we send out, they send me a question through their contact form or they can, if they found the URL that they want us to look at and verify and take down. So we create this website that makes it possible for independent contemporaries or the not just big videos or clips stores to take advantage of that we provide.
So if
Speaker 1 (30m 9s): You just do so if you're, I don't say just because they're the backbone of the industry, but if you're a performer, you can, you can do this.
Speaker 3 (30m 17s): Absolutely. And I mean, listen, you're, there are performance that are just starting out. Maybe there's a, you know, making this couple hundred bucks a month performance, they're making, you know, seven figures they're making big money. Yeah, absolutely. Awesome.
Speaker 1 (30m 37s): So what are some myths or misinformation about anti-piracy that you'd like to discuss?
Speaker 3 (30m 44s): Well, first of all, you know, you don't have to be a lawyer. A lot of people, we are not lawyers by the way, here at taken higher season, we will refer you to somebody if you need one, but we did not do we do not practice law, so you don't have to be a lawyer to do it. There's what's another myth. Oh, let me get right back up. Well, not really. There are very, very interested in this a long time.
So we are intrigued now. It is true that you might find your scene, we get it removed, and then it goes up somewhere else. Because if we're going one pirate who wants to profit from your content, right? A lot of places do adhere to being repeat infringer policy. We get emails all the time from pirates, you know, please for, you know, I, I won't do it again. You're closing my account. Well, you know, you'd have three strikes, but you're just out.
That is not our experience that he just goes right back up. It may go up on the same site with another pirate. It may go up on another side, but we don't find it. It just pops right back up. That's not our experience. I've heard say that the DNC doesn't work well. It's worked for us more than 120 50 million times. And we have been really instrumental in, for example, building evidence for losses. I tell all my clients and potential clients, we are not a deity or not magic and not force a site, this posted in Russia to remove their content or a site that you know, should be removing your content.
That doesn't. So what we can do is we can build the evidence for our crimes, which we have done. We have been instrumental in not just getting sites shut down, but also losing their with peanut processors, April 11 crashes. I don't find a positive every time that happened. Yeah. So that's that's for me, pretty much the biggest myth or the biggest message.
I already have somebody protecting my content. You know, I'll give you an example. I'll meet them being with w we're talking with a clip store last early, early last year and a more up and down. Oh no. We're using the service and aging quote on upload, which is a whole nother thing. Date, go ahead and rabbit rabbit, go ahead and say it.
You know, we're not, we're not limited.
Speaker 1 (33m 33s): You can say, you can tell, you can say it's bullshit. I can tell you. I can tell you're thinking it.
Speaker 3 (33m 38s): Well, here's the thing. I'm not saying that that technology doesn't work, but if you are w you know, we call it having it, the thoughts box, the hand house. If a site can turn that system on and off, then you are allowing piracy. But just to give an example, need to test for this door on just 5% of their content on just one site that supposedly has this upload service and down and have thousands of infringement on that one site in one day.
Yeah, that's me. That's a myth too. When somebody, you know, looking, keep it from going live. I had, yes.
Speaker 1 (34m 27s): I can't imagine why can't okay. So I said it it's bullshit. So why can't people just do their own antivirus?
Speaker 3 (34m 37s): I mean, they can, the question is can they do it at the level of success and thoroughness and as inexpensively as we can. And that answer is no, but you can go onto Google and search their name, or go into the size and third spared me or hot blonde or hotline, and they can find it. Now we have more relationships with sites that have learned that we will escalate.
You'll get cooperation. So if Jane Doe's then notice, maybe they'll take it down. Maybe they won't probably get clients that say, I've been sending notices for four weeks and they're not doing anything. And we issue an Edison. It comes down sometimes just the reputation and the relationship makes, you know, at different. And like we talked about earlier, you know, why then money and time that you could be producing content, which is what does it make money?
Or even, even if it's not producing content, you know, going on social media and advertising your stuff or your
Speaker 1 (35m 52s): Marketing, or yeah, yeah. Dealing with you're dealing with your affiliates or doing any one of how many different things site operators
Speaker 3 (36m 0s): Do the money. Exactly. Because he did better. We could do it faster and we can do more.
Speaker 1 (36m 7s): Like I said, I don't fix my own car. God knows I don't. My wife would never let me. Okay. So what do you do when a site says, Nope, now I know I got this DMCA, but now I'm not taking it down.
Speaker 3 (36m 21s): So I love this. So look full disclosure. If your stuff is on pirate day, we can get it down. Even Disney cannot get their content down from pirate bay and you know, how much money and fall Disney has. So there are a couple of sites that do not comply, period, no matter what. However, there are thousands of sites that do comply. And one of the things that we do emphasize should have taken down content and they haven't, or for example, just recently, we had a site that they were taking down a video, but then under a different URL, you know, for cats.
And we called them on it. We started in geneticists to his proper, I'm sorry, his web hosts. And let me just tell you, he fell in line real fast. When the web host told them they were going to dump them. We'll also, like I said earlier, you know, we'll be your payment processor and I've got a nice, except not for a minute here. You know, we like to speak truth and piracy. One of the things that we find those frustrating and sad is many industry company are part of problems.
So as an example, there is a streaming, not a streaming site, a site, a cam site that advertises on so many pirate sites to be all about feminism. And you can
Speaker 1 (38m 2s): Call, you can call them out if you want. It doesn't bother me.
Speaker 3 (38m 7s): See that because I like to be Pollyanna a little bit, but I'll, you know, it'd be very easy to research where people can call me directly if they want to know. But I will tell you at that a month ago, Nate sent them an email and said, Hey man, this is a pirate site and you don't comply. Your ads are on every single one of these videos. And so to their credit, they at least temporarily stopped the ads on that one too site.
Well, we sent them a total of 12 emails with 12 different sites that were doing the same thing. And it was like crickets. So there are people who are profiting from these producers by taking a percentage of what they produce on their site would be back there. If their website, if somebody can use their site for Cammie, you should get a piece of that profit. But then in addition to that, there, those producers there's deaf getting ripped.
When they do a session, the guys are ripping the sessions, putting them up online. And that same campsite is sitting at the dance of piracy. And this is my, this is my favorite. There is a founder who recently started a, an anti-piracy service. Now the clothes store already pay a percentage of the performers profit. They actually just increased it recently.
And instead of them offering anti-piracy services like clips for sailor, I want clips. Instead of them making that part of their, their businesses sense to help profit themselves in their producers. They started as desperate service that people have to pay forward. And it is a modicum of the amount of services that we provide. So it's, to me, it's very,
Speaker 1 (40m 6s): I guess you're not going to, I guess you're not going to get that client.
Speaker 3 (40m 10s): Well, I, you know what, it's fine because it's knee, we turned down business. I mean, I did it, I did it tonight. We had an opportunity to work with growth porn. We turned that down because it was the stuff on their site was questionable at best. And I recorded it. So you don't just find everything yet, because money is more important people. We, you know, we turn away business when it's not right, but I think it's patently offensive for somebody to profit from somebody's content and then charge them a fee on top of what they're already charging them for their profit sharing to protect that content.
I just, I just think that's pretty right. Yeah.
Speaker 1 (40m 59s): That's that's down there. So what are you, what are you most proud of? Business-wise
Speaker 3 (41m 7s): First and foremost, it's gotta be our integrity when we say something it's true. We don't mislead anybody. I just saw a site the other day. They claim to have 100% removal rate and you can go know, should
Speaker 1 (41m 27s): I, should I, should I say it again? No, go ahead.
Speaker 3 (41m 29s): Yeah. So they, you know, there's, there's different pockets of right. There's the search engines and Torrance and file lockers and social media and twos, right? Even if you just list to this company, Google transparency report, their removal rate is 30%, but they have no problem putting on their home page 100% room or the latest thing. This is my favorite. We've saved $8 million for each. I can't quantify that. That's not even saying.
So the first and foremost I'm most proud of our integrity. Second of all, you know, as I mentioned, we, we do anti-piracy for a couple of clips, stores already clips for sale. And I want clips. I have people that will sometimes come to me because they don't really they're new, or they don't really know, or maybe they, something came shouldn't have come or should have come down, but didn't, and they'll send to us and go, Hey, you know, I saw you and I, I produce content on one of these two sides.
And I say, Hey, man, you're already paying enough to get money to these sites. I'm not going to sign you up, but here's my email address. Here's my phone number. If there's something that you need done and it's not getting done, reach out to me, I'll make it happen. So unlike that company, that doesn't think anything that's profiting from their producers and then also charging them for piracy. You know, we don't, we don't double bill people.
And also I love proving the naysayers wrong. There's there's a couple of people that in the beginning of Nate's journey with take them higher, risky, they say, oh, he just has an impossible job ahead of him. Or, you know, anti-piracy, that's not even gonna last if you're, you know, we've grown exponentially every year and we do more anti-piracy every year. And so I'm kind of proud when, when we, when people that's
Speaker 1 (43m 37s): Awesome. Well, Hey, Reba, I'd like to thank you for being our guests today on adult side broker tuck. And I hope we'll get a chance to do the scan really soon.
Speaker 3 (43m 46s): I would love that. I think there's a lot more layers to peel back and thank you for everything you do in general.
Speaker 1 (43m 54s): It's, it's a pleasure always for a fellow radio person.
Speaker 3 (43m 59s): Maybe we need, we need to pull out the old headphones and mikes and, and do another radio CISM time. I'm down.
Speaker 1 (44m 6s): My broker tip today is part seven of what to do to make your site more valuable for when you decide to sell it later, let's talk about some of the factors that influence the sales price of a website. Number one is normally profit. It will be a multiple of the profit and that multiple is based on whether the profit is trending up or down and how fast it's trending up or down. I've seen valuations of as much as five times, although that's very rare. Normally it's in the two and a half to four times area.
I've also seen valuations of one time. If the profit is taking a nosedive, if a site hasn't been monetized, then it's all about the amount and the quality of the traffic. If a sale is based on traffic, it will be a multiple of what the traffic would sell for on the open market. What are the sources of traffic direct traffic search engine, traffic and review traffic are the most valuable tube. Traffic, the least valuable is the traffic reliable and sustainable. What is the traffic history?
In a rare case, the valuation will be based upon revenue. The same factors apply to that as of profit and the valuations will of course be lower than those of profits. How old is the website is the domain of.com or something else? Dot com is still king. What is its Alexa rating? How many inbound links are there? How much staff does it take to run the site? How many email addresses do you have in the case of a dating site? This is very important.
Another factor can be the reverse engineering cost. How much would it cost to build the site from scratch and drive the same amount of traffic to it, and how much time would be involved? What is the lifetime value of a customer on the site next week? How to buy a website and next week we'll be talking to mark prints and Robert Warren from too much.net.
Speaker 0 (46m 4s): And that's it on this week's Adult Site Broker Talk. I'd once again like to thank our guest Reba Rocket. Talk to you again next week on Adult Site Broker Talk. I'm Bruce Friedman.
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